Welcome to our new RX8 Cup forum!
Please let us know if there is anything you would like added or changed!

Forum Guidelines

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No New Posts Forum Guidelines

The RX8 Cup forum guidelines and rules. Pay attention please!

41 41 流行的控制面板
by phonedata369
May 19, 2024 18:43:28 GMT 10

RX8 Tech Talk

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts RX8 Technical Talk

All technical RX8 related talk.

3 3 有人认为这是竞争市场
by account_disabled
Apr 29, 2024 20:41:14 GMT 10


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts 2019 proposed calendar

Your thoughts on what 2019 should look like.

1 1 您的视频内容是否针
by account_disabled
Apr 24, 2024 12:54:46 GMT 10
No New Posts General RX8 Cup discussion

All general discussion related to the RX8 Cup series.

7 19 网站或博客通过将您的视
by rasel08zaman
May 12, 2024 13:50:31 GMT 10


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts RX8 Cup Regulation Specifics

All discussion related to RX8 Cup car regulations.

5 5 The last of these REI has actually done
by account_disabled
Mar 5, 2024 13:18:09 GMT 10
No New Posts Forms and Paperwork

Place to post all the different documents we may be interested in.

2 2 然而改进需要迭代和测试
by account_disabled
Mar 20, 2024 16:15:19 GMT 10


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts RX8 Cup Notices and Announcements

Latest news and announcements.

1 2 RX8 Cup - Wakefield Park Goulburn NSW
by Dani Cashion
Jul 10, 2018 21:33:36 GMT 10

Pub Talk

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No New Posts Off topic talk about anything

General chat about anything really.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Buy

Items wanted to buy

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No New Posts Sell

Items for sale

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No New Posts Vendors

Vendors products for sale - RX8 RELATED PRODUCTS ONLY

1 1 Rotary Compression testers
by Dani Cashion
Jul 12, 2018 21:59:20 GMT 10